Crime Prevention

Breezy Point is relatively crime free and we would like to keep it that way!  Criminals are predators that will attack the weakest prey.  Easy pickings will also attract the bandits.  Take the time to prevent crime and send the predators looking elsewhere for easier game.

Lock It Up

Anything that isn’t locked is an invitation to a thief.

Record the Serial Number

If it is stolen and you have the serial number we can enter it into a national database.  If it is located in Florida it can be traced back to Breezy Point and returned to you.

Report All Crimes and Suspicious Activity

We need to know where the problems are occurring and often we recover items that we can not locate the owner.  Sometimes this means the crook goes free!  If your instinct tells you something isn’t right, it probably needs to be checked out.

Consider an alarm, especially if you have a seasonal residence.  The insurance break and peace of mind may make it worthwhile. 

Get to know your neighbors and watch out for each other.

Crime PREVENTION is cost effective and much easier than solving a crime.  Stop by the police Department for additional information and pick up a refrigerator magnet with our telephone number.

Crime Stoppers

Give Crime Information and Stay Anonymous

You can help in the fight against crime by reporting information about crimes to Crime Stoppers of Minnesota.  Crime Stoppers of Minnesota is organized as a separate and independent organization from law enforcement for the purpose of gathering information that may not be otherwise available to them but can then help in their investigations.

Crime Stoppers Website